Nourish, Renew,

Your Trusted Partner in Age-Defying Aesthetics and Wellness Solutions. Our mission is to provide each person with an individualized treatment journey with safety and trust as our number one priority.


Discover Your Beauty Within at Skin Wellness Med Spa

Your Destination for Comprehensive Skincare and Wellness Solutions

At Skin Wellness Med Spa, we pride ourselves in offering our clients and community the very best medical aesthetic and wellness solutions to prevent and rejuvenate the signs and symptoms of aging. Our experts utilize patient focused & evidence based solutions aimed at optimizing how one looks and feels on the inside and out.

Our Services


Our state of the art injectable services encompass a range of non-surgical cosmetic procedures that involve the use of specialized injections to enhance one’s appearance. These treatments, which can include dermal fillers and neurotoxins, are popular for reducing wrinkles, restoring facial volume, and achieving a more youthful and refreshed look without the need for invasive surgery.

We use the highest quality fillers in the market. Our providers are educators and experts at facial assessment and the anatomy of the aging face. Your experience will involve a customized approach to facial rejuvenation utilizing fillers to reverse the signs of aging by restoring the foundation at the deepest to most superficial layers.

Our approach to dermal filler is a comprehensive one. You can expect to learn about why your concerns are present, and the best way to treat them with volume restoration. We also offer body treatments with filler for the neck, chest, hands, and glutes.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Restores volume utilizing a substance found in the skin tissues. Can last between 12-24 months.

Sculptra: Restores volume by stimulating an inflammatory response within the skin tissues. Often requires multiple treatments and full results are seen between 3-6 months. There are also skin quality benefits seen from this treatment.

Radiesse: Restores volume utilizing a calcium based filler with evidence that shows it can also stimulate collagen for an immediate result with long lasting benefits.
Botox and Dysport are used primarily for the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles in between the brows, on the forehead and around the eyes.

More advanced uses can include lifting of the lower face, neck and décolletage tightening, and facial slimming. They may also be used to treat excessive sweating of the hands, feet and underarms.

You will start to notice your results in about 3-5 days, full onset of effect is achieved at 2 weeks, the effects last approximately 3-4 months
PRF is a great choice for you if you are looking for a more natural way to restore volume and address the signs of aging. This regenerative treatment uses a part of your own blood to increase both collagen and elastin in the skin. ​

It can be injected to rejuvenate the undereye area or with other filler treatments to enhance outcomes and healing. It can be used in combination with medical microneedling treatments and laser treatments. It can also be used to treat acne scars and hair loss. ​

A series of 2-4 sessions is recommended in the skin and a series of 6 is recommended for hair loss. Sessions should be spaced 4 weeks apart.


From BBL photofacials to Halo resurfacing lasers, our advanced technologies target a wide range of skin concerns, including pigmentation irregularities, fine lines, texture issues, and signs of aging, helping you achieve a more youthful and radiant complexion with minimal downtime.

Making laser skin resurfacing
Broad Band Light (BBL) is a gentle, non-invasive procedure that uses pulsed light to give you clear, younger-looking skin. Treatments send light rays into the deepest layers of your skin to help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation (reds and browns), invigorate your skin, and boost your body’s natural ability to fight signs of aging. 

It is recommended that multiple treatments, usually at least 3 one month apart, are done to achieve optimal results.
The Halo laser uses fractional laser technology that delivers a combination of ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to address multiple skin concerns simultaneously.

It targets both the superficial and deeper layers of the skin to address fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, acne scars, and sun damage. The dual-action approach of Halo resurfacing laser provides remarkable improvements in skin tone, texture, and overall rejuvenation.
SkinTyte utilizes advanced infrared light technology to improve the appearance of lax skin.

This treatment can help delay or eliminate the need for surgical procedures by improving the appearance of severe wrinkles and restoring a youthful contour to the face and body.

The recommended treatment series includes 3-6 sessions that last about 30 minutes. Research has shown that this treatment significantly reduces and prevents the signs of aging skin over time.
Microneedling is a powerful and effective collagen induction treatment that is safe for all skin types. It’s a great treatment for fine lines, acne scars, pore size reduction and pigmentation concerns.

Using the FDA approved SkinPen device, our expert medical practitioners customize a treatment series (3-6), with the recommendations of serums and growth factors, to help you achieve the best outcome.

The procedure takes about an hour and downtime can range between 2-3 days of redness.


We provide a curated selection of premium skincare options to cater to your unique needs. Our skincare offerings include medical-grade products, personalized treatment plans, and expert guidance to help you achieve and maintain healthy, radiant skin, all backed by the latest advancements in dermatological science and aesthetics.

Facial services are offered by expert esthetician Jennifer Ezra.
Her treatments are customized to achieve maximum results given your individual skin types and needs. She believes in using only the highest quality skincare products and technologies to help you reach your skincare goals.

For more information and booking:
We believe healthy skin is a holistic approach. Our providers are experts in medical grade skin care.

These products should be combined with medical treatments to enhance results and truly achieve that healthy skin “glow.”

A treatment plan will include recommendations on skin care focused on your individual concerns and desired outcome.

We offer ZO Skin Health, Skin Medica, and Alastin Skincare


Our personalized weight loss programs, which may include medical interventions, dietary guidance, and lifestyle support, are tailored to your individual needs, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to reaching and maintaining your ideal weight.
Our weight loss injection services are designed to support your weight loss journey by providing targeted injections that can boost metabolism, curb cravings, and increase energy levels.

With our expert team at Skin Wellness Med Spa, you can access safe and effective weight loss solutions tailored to your specific needs.

We offer GLP-1 inhibitors, compounded Tirzepatide and Semalgutide. These medications work by decreasing the urge to overeat. A healthy diet and exercise plan are recommended in conjunction with treatment.

We also offer Lipo injections that include compounds such as vitamin B12, methionine, inositol, choline, and carnitine. These components work synergistically to boost metabolism, improve liver function, enhance energy production, and help the body metabolize fats more effectively.


We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, offering a wide array of services that promote your overall health and vitality. From hormone therapy and IV vitamin infusions to peptide therapy and concierge medicine, our wellness options are designed to optimize your well-being and help you feel your best inside and out.

HRT  involves the use of bioidentical hormones to restore hormonal balance.

Hormone Therapy Can Help:
• Increase Energy
• Improve Sleep
• Enhance Libido
• Reach Your Target Weight
• Improve Mental Sharpness
• Relieve PMS and Menopause (for women) 

Our Hormone Therapy services are designed to help you achieve hormonal balance and improve your health and overall well-being by providing personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. 

We use an evidence based approach, teaching you all that you need to know about HRT to allow you to make the best choice for treatment. 

How it works: 
• Comprehensive consultation with the option for in house blood draw for fast results 
• Review results with your expert provider, who will customize a plan specific to your needs 
• Weeks after treatment: Follow up for a recheck of symptoms and blood work
• Once you are optimized and living your best life:  Quarterly treatment and blood work once per year
Unlock the potential of peptide therapy and optimize your health and well-being with our advanced peptide therapy services at Skin Wellness Med Spa.

These innovative treatments harness the power of peptides to promote cellular regeneration, enhance immune function, improve cognitive performance, and support overall vitality. Our expert team will create a personalized peptide therapy plan tailored to your specific needs, helping you achieve optimal results.

Meet Our Provider

Dr. Sara D. Kranke, DNP, AGACNP-C, APRN

Sara D. Kranke, a nurse practitioner licensed in both California and Arizona, plays a crucial role in overseeing the medical operations at Skin Wellness and Med Spa.

With an impressive educational background, including a Master’s in Nursing and a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from UCLA, Sara is highly qualified in her field. She began specializing in medical aesthetics in 2013.

Sara commits more to the field of aesthetics by speaking at national conventions and training medical providers of all experience levels. She dedicates a lot of her time to teaching and feels that “every time I train other practitioners I learn something new, it’s a very rewarding experience.”

Sara also has a strong passion for wellness and illness prevention. She believes that looking “youthful” does not stop at treating the visible aging concerns and so she decided to develop a place where people can come, of all ages, to address disharmony within the body as well as age prevention on the outside with multiple different modalities.

Sara is also a Reiki practitioner. During her journey with Reiki attunement, she was treating a fellow student and the message she got was that she was to create a “wellness center.” She feels deep down in her soul that her mission is to educate and help people to take control of their health and prevent illness and common comorbidities that infect our country today. Her doctoral thesis focused on Reiki as an evidence-based non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing anxiety and pain during injectable treatments.

With a very strong knowledge in medical aesthetics and the anatomy of aging from the inside out, Sara can help you on your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you.

There has been a lot of chatter about “Facial Balancing” in the aesthetics community — and for a good reason!

▪️What is facial balancing?
Facial balancing is a holistic injection technique that restores symmetry and your youthful features. It provides a very natural, rejuvenated appearance that enhances your natural beauty. We are able to achieve this by meticulously placing filler across the entire face, not just in isolated areas. This is the key to ensuring a natural and harmonious appearance.

▪️ Why is facial balancing important?
With age we all experience loss of muscle tone and fat in the face, along with thinning of the skin. This can give the face a slightly unsymmetrical appearance. By spot treating with filler, we can often get that overdone appearance - and don’t necessarily address the underlying dysfunction of the skins structure.

▪️ What areas do you focus on?
Because all of our faces are unique, we focus on key areas such as the cheeks, jawline, chin, and lips — and more.

If you have been wanting to try filler, but have been on the fence because you don’t want to look overdone - facial balancing is for you! Alternatively, if you’re looking to enhance aesthetically pleasing contours, highlights, and shadows — facial balancing is also for you!

Please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic + wellness goals.

▪️ Scottsdale, Arizona
📱 480.366.4800

Vitamin B12 shots can help boost your body’s energy levels by preventing fatigue, helping you to lose weight and also by lowering the risk of heart disease and other serious health concerns.

Vitamin B12 is essential for the health of your skin, hair and nails. It plays a role in cell reproduction — and therefore the renewal of your skin. A B12 shot can also help to provide collagen support, improve cell turnover, and reduce inflammation and dryness.

Its other benefits include boosting your brainpower by slowing down memory loss, alleviating anxiety and aiding sleep.

Additional B12 Benefits:
✔️ Boosts metabolism
✔️ Supports healthy weight loss
✔️ Enhances energy
✔️ Happier mood
✔️ Improve anemia
✔️ Boosts immune system
✔️ Slows down memory loss
✔️ Improves concentration
✔️ Strengthens immune system
✔️ Improves sleep patterns
✔️ Promotes eye health
✔️ Alleviates anxiety + depression
✔️ Improves bone health

Signs of B12 Deficiency:
✔️ Dizziness
✔️ Lack of Energy
✔️ Muscle Weakness
✔️ Digestive Issues
✔️ Memory Loss
✔️ Constant Fatigue
✔️ Shortness of Breath
✔️ Tingling in Fingers + Toes

B12 shots are quick, easy, and painless. You can come in for this treatment as a stand alone service, or request to add it to your existing service.

For more questions, please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic + wellness goals.

▪️ Scottsdale, Arizona
📱 480.366.4800

The answer is simple.

Tox > Wrinkles

Botox to the rescue ➕💉

Hyperhidrosis is a sweat glad disorder that causes excessive perspiration that is not associated with temperature or exercise. Not only is this uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it interferes with quality of life.

Botox can help! It selectively turns off the sweat glands, resulting in a normal appearance without wetness. Results are long-lasting and average 6-12 months.

Parts of the body commonly affected:
✔️ palms of hands
✔️ soles of feet

Please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic + wellness goals.

▪️ Scottsdale, Arizona
📱 480.366.4800

Getting ready for your tox + filler appointments is easy! Just make sure you’re not doing anything to dehydrate your skin or thin your blood.

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to your procedure, as this can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising at the treated site(s).

Keeping hydrated will ensure your skin will be in tip-top shape for your facial injections. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water every day for a week before your appointment.

Your’e also going to want to avoid caffeine for about 24 hours before your procedure, as this could slow the healing process.

If possible, avoid blood thinners and NSAIDS for 7-10 days prior to your procedure, as they may increase your risk of bleeding and/or bruising at the treated site(s).

Blood thinning agents:
▪️ Advil
▪️ Aleve
▪️ Apixaban
▪️ Aspirin
▪️ Celebrex
▪️ Clopidogrel
▪️ Fish oil
▪️ Ginko Biloba
▪️ Ibuprofen
▪️ Motrin
▪️ Nuprin
▪️ St. John’s Wort
▪️ Tumeric
▪️ Vitamin E (in high doses)
▪️ Warfarin

If you have any history of Herpes Simplex (cold sores) on your face, make sure you inform us at least one week prior to your appointment so we can prescribe a medication to prevent an outbreak.

Please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss any concerns you may have!

▪️ Scottsdale, Arizona
📱 480.366.4800

Ready, set, glow 🫧

Glow from within with @skinvive by @juvederm

Skinvive is the first and only FDA approved Hyaluronic Acid microdroplet injectable for improving skin smoothness in the cheeks.

Unveil more hydrated and radiant skin in just one treatment. Perfect before events or travel — and for those seeking smoothness without volume. It plumps, smooths, and gives the skin a deep glow we haven’t been able to achieve otherwise. Truly a revolutionary product!

What results can I expect?
✔️ Increased hydration 🚿
✔️ An undeniable GLOW 🥂

How long does it last?
✔️ 6 months

Is there downtime?
✔️ Skinvive is not painful and has no downtime

Please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss if Skinvive is right for you!

▪️ Scottsdale, Arizona
📱 480.366.4800